Monday, September 28, 2009

29 Weeks (7 Months, 1 Week) Pregnant - Baby Butternut Squash

Wynne (34 Weeks Pregnant) and I (29 Weeks Pregnant)

Wynne (34 Weeks Pregnant) and I (29 Weeks Pregnant)

Susan, Me, and Mom

The WONDERFUL Hosts of My Shower
(Leila, Wynne, Margie, Mariam, and I)

The BEAUTIFUL Cake from Brianna's Baby Shower
(made by Noelle, my big sis from A-Phi)

Weekly Update: Having a baby prematurely is frightening, no doubt. But here's a reason to relax: Due to the impressive advancements of medical technology, if your baby is born this week, she'd have a 9 out of 10 chance of survival, which is seriously great news. Other awesome developments:Baby's brain can now control her breathing and body temperature. She can also cough, and her sucking abilities have been perfected. Your Mini's skin is looking less wrinkled as she packs on the pounds. She's starting to look more like a Pampers model and less like a Depends model. She's now beefing up on the energizing and insulating white fat she'll be born with (unfortunately, white fat is not energizing and insulating for adults!). And speaking of energy, your little Energizer Bunny is on fire these days. You're sure to feel your share of kicks, punches and elbows, especially when you're lying down. (Ya, to say the least...I think she is starting to go under my ribs now. If I push one way to get her to move, she pushes right back. Right now I can't tell if it's her elbow, foot, or bottom but all I know is that sometimes it HURTS!) You might want to start keeping a kick chart to monitor your baby's movements, and also to later show your 13-year-old child what you endured for him or her. Ask your doctor how to count kicks and how often you should do it. This week your baby is a little over 15 inches long—about the length of a loaf of bread—and weighs about 3 pounds, as much as a Macbook Air laptop.

How you are feeling: Let's get right to the point: You're a bloated, water-retaining mess. Chances are good you can't get your sneakers on or your wedding ring off, (Yep, my finger was starting to swell and was hurting. When I took off my wedding ring my finger was pretty scaly and infected below so the nurse at school told me that it was time to retire my ring until Brianna arrives or have it expanded. Well, Eric and I decided that it would be a lot more expensive to expand my ring, so instead we bought me a temporary ring to wear in place of my wedding ring for now) so get comfy in your slippers. Your pants don't fit. Your shirts don't fit (Yep, I am now sleeping in Eric's shirts since mine are too tight). And now, thanks to the swelling in your feet, your shoes don't fit (all I have been wearing is flip flops so I am not sure if my "real shoes" still fit). You can thank a wonderful thing called edema for that. Go edema! Some old friends — heartburn, acid reflux, and constipation — may take center stage now. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation, coupled with the crowding in your abdomen, slows digestion, which in turn can cause gas, acid reflux and heartburn — especially after a big meal — and contribute to constipation as well. (Everything I eat right now is causting the acid reflux. I am learning to sleep sitting almost straight up. It's no fun. TUMS have become my new best friend. Not only do they help with the acid reflux, but they also help with my constant leg cramps at night.
Keep your eye out. Eric and I finished (yes, you read that right) the nursery this past weekend. Pictures to arrive soon! :)

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