Sunday, May 24, 2009

Baby Lime - 11 Weeks

From this week until week 20, your baby will be growing rapidly — increasing in size from about 2 inches (5 cm) to about 8 inches (20 cm) from crown to rump. To accommodate all this growth, the blood vessels in the placenta are increasing in both size and number to provide the baby with more nutrients.

During pregnancy week 11, your baby is almost large enough for you to nestle in your palm. Most babies are just under 1 ½ inches long by now and may weigh as much as .3 ounces, about the size of a large lime. Your baby’s skin is still transparent, once your baby reaches full term he will start to fill out, and you will no longer be able to see your baby’s blood vessels showing through his skin. Most babies will double their size during the next three weeks (I looked it up and in 3 weeks, aka 14 weeks pregnant, the baby is about the size of a large lemon or a small orange). The iris will begin to develop this week and finger nails appear.

Week 11 of pregnancy marks the end of the embryonic period. From now on, your baby is called a fetus. It also marks the period when your baby is out of the danger zone for the development of most congenital complications. Other developments that are happening around this time are the external genitals move outside of the body , the hair follicles of the skin are forming , and teeth are beginning to form.

By now you probably look a little pregnant to those that know you closely. Your uterus is growing every day, and is now peaking out just above the midpoint of your pelvis. Not bad. As soon as the uterus grows past the middle part of your pubic bone you will finally "pop" in a big way, to a point where you might need to start considering pregnancy clothing. I think I am going to honestly consider the clothing pretty quickly...that or loose clothing. It's so weird because I have only gained one pound, however, my rib cage and tummy have grown so most of my dresses that fit two weeks ago are now pretty uncomfortable or tight in those areas, therefore, I can't really wear them anymore. I have noticed the looser my clothing, the better I feel at the end of the day. Poor Eric had to listen to me bawl today as I cried because nothing was comfortable when I put it on...and no, I was not trying to just get new clothes, my clothes are seriously fitting different. I am all about the long or knit dresses or the elastic banded pants. On Friday we took my second graders on a field trip to the Outdoor Learning Center. I had to wear a cami under my polo shirt so that I could wear my jeans undone and do the rubber band trick. Anyways...not much happened this past week except for me being exhausted all week. Eric and I are just Tuesday, June 2nd, we will have our next sonogram. I keep looking at all of my friends' 12 week sonograms and the baby is SO MUCH different than the sonogram I have from my 6 week appointment. We can't wait to see our little one!

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