Tuesday, December 1, 2009

38 Weeks (9 1/2 Months) Pregnant - Baby Watermelon

Can you believe she is now the size of a watermelon????

I know this is not a good representation of a watermelon, but how pretty is this???

Head down and ready to go just like Brianna...

Two more weeks to go and your nesting instinct is in full throttle. You're busy washing and folding (and refolding) baby's clothes, marveling over how anyone could ever fit into such a teensy weensy T-shirt. If you haven't set up the crib, bassinet or wherever you plan for baby to sleep—now would be a good time (we took care of that several weeks ago). You don't want Dad frantically trying to figure out some incomprehensible instruction manual between contractions. What You're Thinking: "Please don't let my water break at an inopportune time like in the middle of a client meeting or during my pedicure or at a fancy restaurant ..." (Ummm...or infront of my kindergarten class...that would be fun to explain. They are already asking how I get the baby out. I explained, "I go to the hospital and the doctor takes her out for me." Back to the water breaking...let's just say I carry a water bottle with me every step I take just in case so I can dump it down my shirt and act like I spilled it on me...ha ha! Another teacher taught me that one!) As your cervix begins to dilate, you may lose your mucus plug. (You may also toss your cookies when you read the words "mucus plug." Ew.) This thick, mucus-like wad seals the cervix and prevents infection during pregnancy. When the plug has done its work, it will bid your cervix goodbye and hurl itself into the toilet. (Probably TMI (too much information), but I have already lost mine.) Your baby's intestines have accumulated a considerable amount of meconin (the code name for black, tar-like baby poop), which is usually eliminated shortly after birth and gives you your first experience with the 100-wipe diaper change. Here's what else is up: Your baby might just scratch herself in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Resist painting them hot pink when she arrives.Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day. The latter two will continue to mature until Junior is a teenager, at which point she'll know it all (or at least she'll think she does).Your baby weighs about 6½ pounds and is around 19 or 20 inches long—as long as a duffle bag (in case you needed an excuse to go shopping for a new bag for your labor gear).
Newest and probably last update before Brianna arrives: Yesterday (11-30-09) I went to the doctor. I am still effaced at 75% but am now about 2 3/4 cm dialated. Dr. Levy said, "Let's hit the go button. We will do it at the beginning of next week just to let her try to come out on her own, but otherwise, I don't want to risk her getting too big for you." He was shocked I did not have her this past weekend and still thinks that I will have her this week before us "pushing the go button." We tried scheduling my inducement for Monday, however, the hospital is totally booked. So right now we are booked for Tuesday, December 8th at 5:00 a.m. We are so fortunate in that my wonderful sister is going to come stay at our house to watch it and take care of Caesar and Jasper while we are in the hospital. Thank you Susan!!! Until the next post...(maybe some pictures of Brianna!!!!)

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