Monday, July 20, 2009

Baby Mango - 19 Weeks Pregnant

This week your baby starts bulking up and packing on the grossly named "brown fat" she'll need to keep warm when she gets evicted from her comfortable uterine home. She is now about the size of a mango. (I have been looking forward to this week because I LOVE mangos right now!!! I have a mango smoothie almost everyday. YUMMMM!) Other highlights this week:Vernix, a milky white coating that protects your baby's skin, appears all over your baby's body to keep his skin from getting pickled in the amniotic fluid (imagine taking a bath for 9 would your skin look?). Think of it as if your baby has been dipped in yogurt, like those delicious but fake-healthy yogurt-covered raisins and pretzels. Ooh, we feel another craving comin' on. ... Under the vernix, a fuzzy layer of hair called lanugo now covers baby's body. Don't worry, your Mini won't look like Cousin It when he's born. Most of the fuzz will fall off before baby makes his grand entrance. Good news: Your baby's kidneys are fully functioning and producing urine this week. By pregnancy week 19 your baby is starting to produce meconium, the baby's first bowel movement. When your baby is born she will start passing meconium the first few days of life. Meconium is very normal but can sometimes turn dangerous. Typically when babies are developing they ingest and then excrete amniotic fluid every day. Meconium is a combination of this build-up of material including amniotic fluid that occurs during pregnancy. Typically it is greenish-black in color and tarry upon excretion. Usually your baby will pass this after delivery. Bad news: That means there will be lots of diapers in your future. (We have been trying to buy a package of diapers each time we go to the grocery store...however, I know we can always use more!) But so far you're safe—at the moment the pee just passes into the amniotic fluid.He or she now weighs about 8½ ounces (Brianna was measuring 9oz last Thursday and I have still only gained 6 pounds so I am doing "really well" according to my Dr.) and measures 6 inches (and she measured about 6 1/2 inches long, or in the 52 percentile), as long as a turkey sub from Subway on warm, delicious Italian Herbs and Cheese bread...too bad you can't have deli meat though right? Just a few more months... By pregnancy 19 weeks your baby's brain is also forming pockets to specialize in smell, taste, hearing, vision and even touch. By pregnancy week 19 if you are having a girl she already has produced six million eggs in her ovaries, though this number will decrease by 4 million by the time your newborn baby is born.

I love this: - It's a week by week guide for Daddy on what size the baby is, along with an explanation! This week's explanation: "Pregnancy Week 19: Why do they call it a softball?It huts like h___ when one hits you. Your baby is the size of one." HA HA!

So my friend Wynne ( (who is 5 weeks ahead of me, due November 7th) and I were talking about how you can tell people are wondering, "Okay, is that girl just fat, or is she pregnant?" It's like they want to ask, but are just too afraid. Well, Wynne is definitely out of the "fat girl" stage where you can definitely tell she is pregnant...I, however, don't think I am....remember though, she is 5 weeks ahead of me. I keep thinking...okay, about 5 more weeks and people can tell. Of course when I go to Babies R' Us or Lone Star Baby, or anything like that with Eric you can tell people are just wondering your due date. Funny story though...when Wynne was 19 or 20 weeks pregnant some lady actually had the nerve to ask her, "Okay, so sorry if this comes across rude, but are you pregnant or is that just a really big beer gut?" I told her that she should have said that it was a beer gut just to embarrass the lady...ha ha! She of course told her that she was pregnant. We were also talking about how people see that you are pregnant and you can tell that the first thing they do is look to see if you have a wedding ring on your left ring finger. I told Eric that when I get too swollen to wear my wedding ring, I am going to Claire's (or some cheapy mall jewelry place like that) and buying a big fake diamond to wear. I am not going to go ring less like I am not married because I don't know how I would handle those stares...ha ha. :)

Just in case you did not know, Eric and I are having a little GIRL! Yes, you read that right, a little GIRL! Her name is going to be....drum roll please....Brianna Taryn Grounds. I have to admit, I have to give all of the credit to Eric on the name. We argued over names for weeks and came to the Taryn part as a middle name (I think Eric found it on a website and I also had a friend in college with that name), however we had the hardest time finding a first name that was different, but at the same time, was not too weird. Well, Eric text me and wrote, "I was looking online at names and ran across this one...What do you think about Brianna? It's feminine, classy, easy to spell, and common but not a name you hear everyday." I of course KNEW that would be her name. So there's the story behind her name. :)

Eric and I still need to go register for most of our baby things now that we know that we are having a girl. We have started registries at Babies R' Us ( , Registry #74006802), Target ( , Registry ID: 014399700554579), and Lone Star Baby and Kids in Frisco ( Registry ID: 6286) for our bedding. I am hoping to get Eric over to do some baby registering this weekend...we will just have to see though...

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