My Team: Me, Hope, Sarah, Sabrina, and Andi
Eric and I
With a mere 28 days to go (give or take a few), you're almost at the end—and the beginning of your new life. Finish up your final prep by stocking up on diapers, washing the onesies and making sure the nursery is good to go. Then, even if baby comes early, you're still ready. Of course, every new parent feels wildly unprepared regardless of how operational the nursery is, but at least you won't be diaperless!Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? What you're thinking: "One hundred bottles of milk on the wall, one hundred bottles of milk. Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of milk on the wall ..." Your BodyJust when you think you can't possibly stand another day of your baby kicking your lungs and crowding your stomach, your baby will drop it like it's hot. (We found out this past Thursday at my doctor appointment that Brianna has already dropped and has her head right at my cervix..."as low as she can be" according to our doctor.) This process, called lightening, will probably make it easier for you to breathe, but with your baby's head resting directly on your bladder, you'll be breathing all the way to the bathroom. When your baby drops, you can rest assured that your pregnancy journey will be over within the next few weeks. Make sure to know the many signs and symptoms of labor so that you won't be caught with your pants down (both figuratively and literally). Your baby continues to put on weight at about ½ pound each week. This layer of fat will help your baby regulate his body temperature after leaving your climate-controlled womb. In fact, your baby will be 15 percent fat at birth (and you ... well that's another story). Even in the womb, your baby can listen, feel, touch and see. The only thing separating her from living in the outside world is a little thing called the birth canal. Other highlights this week:Her gums are firm with ridges that look somewhat like teeth, though her actual pearly whites won't start breaking through until she's between three months and a year old.Your baby has definite patterns of sleep and wakefulness—opening her eyes while awake and closing them while sleeping. Your baby will become alert and turn her head toward light and sound just as a newborn would—except when you put on that Celine Dion CD. Then the baby puts her hands up, turns away and gurgles, "Oh no you didn't!" Your baby is now around 18½ inches long and nearly 6 pounds—just about as big as a breadbox!
Wednesday (11-18-09) my kindergarten team hosted my work baby shower. (Those are pictures from it above). They did such a great job and the cake was AWESOME! Thank you guys for all of your hard work and for being such a wonderful team to work with!
We went for our 36 week appointment this past Thursday and Dr. Levy seems to think that she will be arriving a little bit early. I am dialated to a 1 but could sit there for a few days or even weeks. I am supposed to go straight to the hospital if my water breaks (no matter what) or if my contractions are 5-6 minutes apart. I had a few other signs of labor too that started Friday (not contractions and not my water breaking), but not something I want to post on here...maybe you can figure it out. HA HA! I called the doctor and told him and he said I am fine until my water breaks or I have contractions. This was just another sign of me dialating more...
After feeling around, he is predicting she will be "small" at about 7-8 pounds. I said, "ARE YOU KDDING ME??? THAT IS SMALL???" And he said, "Yes, our typical baby now days is 8-9 1/2 pounds." thank you.
Eric and I have just been getting ready for her...washing clothes, the entire house, etc. HA HA! Our new fence is in the process of going up. I am hoping they will be done before Thanksgiving because it's no fun having to put a leash on and walk out with Caesar every time he needs to go to the bathroom.
Well, this week should be nice. I am only teaching Monday and Tuesday and then have Wednesday through Sunday off. (WOO HOO!) Wouldn't it be nice to have Brianna that Sunday the 29th? :) You never know right?
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