Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Welcome Home Brianna Taryn Grounds!

Mary Lee during labor
During a contraction...Mom wanted to take a picture...ha ha!
Brianna is here!
Getting ready for her first bath...
Weighing her...She was 5 pounds, 10 ounces
Someone was NOT happy...
Brianna has a birthmark on her back.
The doctors are watching it, but think it will eventually fade.
Getting her eye drops...
Mommy's first time to hold her after she was all cleaned up.
Worn out but SO WORTH IT!!!
Daddy's turn. His shirt says, "I am the Daddy!" on the back.
Our beautiful little girl!
Smiling for the camera...so tired at this point yet I could not sleep because I was too excited!
Yes, we are already teaching her manners.
As you can see, she already knows how to cover her mouth when she yawns. :)
Skin to skin with Daddy.

Well, as you can see, Brianna is here! Here is our story on how she got here:

Eric and I left for Presbyterian Plano Hospital at 4:30 a.m. in order for me to be induced or as my doctor said, to "press the go button." We arrived and checked in and were sent up to Labor and Delivery. As soon as we got into our room, I was told to change into the hospital gown and then lay down so that they could start my IV. We had the BEST labor and delivery nurse, Lauren, that one of our close friends (who used to be a labor and delivery nurse there) set us up with. Lauren started my IV and then hooked me up to the monitors. She had to watch me for 30 minutes to see my levels and all of that. During those 30 minutes I had 4 contractions (I only felt one though). So my contractions at that point were about 5-6 minutes apart. I was dialated a 2 1/2 and effaced 75% at that point. They then started the Petocin (labor inducing drug that goes through the IV...sorry if I spelled it wrong) at a level 6. By the end of the labor, I think I was at a 28 or 32 for the level... At 6:00 a.m., Dr. Levy, my OBGYN, came in and broke my water "to get things going." He had a surgery at 7:30 a.m. so he had to get things going early. After he broke my water, the labor really started and my contractions got stronger and stronger. I wanted an epidural but was too scared of the needle (never should have watched the videos of what they do). Lauren, the nurse, kept coming in and saying, "Are you sure you are not ready for the epidural yet??? Your contractions are getting closer and closer together and stronger. They are now about 1-2 minutes apart. You know once we request the epidural, it will take about 45 minutes to an hour before you get any relief because we have to page the person to do it." Well, about 12:00 p.m., I finally decided I was ready for one. My contractions were pretty strong by then (and all in my back since her head was facing my belly button...they should be facing your butt for the best delivery). The anesthesiologist came in. She was EXCELLENT. Let's just say that I wish I would have gotten the epidural A LOT earlier. All I felt when she gave me the epidural was a tiny pinch like an ant bite. The videos forget to mention that they numb you before putting in the huge needle. THANK GOODNESS!!!

Around 2:00ish Lauren came in to check me. I was then a 4 and 80%, so she said, "It will probably be about 4-5 more hours until you get to hold Brianna." Eric then said, "Okay, since it's going to be a while, I am going to get something to eat and I will be back." (Note: I did not want him to eat in the room because I was STARVING and was not allowed to eat.) He then headed off to eat about 2:15ish. Around 2:50, Lauren came in because my monitor of Brianna was going crazy...the heartbeat was going way up and way down. It ended up that that's what babie's heartrates do right before they deliver. She checked me and said, "Oh my gosh. You are a 10 and 100%...we need to start pushing." I freaked out of course because Eric was not there. I called Eric and said, "COME BACK QUICK!!! It's time to push!!!" He said, "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They said 4-5 hours! I am on my way." He ran up to the room and then we started the pushing at 3:00 (I know this because Ellen was just starting on the TV). We called my doctor at 3:15ish and he said he would be there in about 15 minutes because he had one more patient that he had to get to before if that was okay. I kept pushing and then Lauren told me that I had to stop or Brianna would arrive before Dr. Levy did. I just could not stop. He FINALLY arrived at about 3:55 p.m. When he arrived he said, "Okay...you are a lot faster than I expected. We are going to deliver on the next contraction." (You only push during contractions. At that point I had had about 6-8 contractions that I had pushed on). Unfortunately, I did not deliver on that contraction, but I did the next one! Brianna Taryn Grounds arrived at 4:00 p.m. on the dot, weighing 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches long. She immediately became the LOVE OF OUR LIFE. :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

39 Weeks Pregnant - Baby BRIANNA

Right before going to My Birthday/ Our Date Night Dinner at Melting Pot
Right before going to My Birthday/ Our Date Night Dinner at Melting Pot

Right before going to My Birthday/ Our Date Night Dinner at Melting Pot
(Thank goodness you can't tell how swollen my ankles and feet are!)

As your official due date approaches, you're probably fixed on the calendar. But since less than 10 percent of women deliver on their actual due date, chances are baby is going to take you by surprise on a different day (I will be induced Tuesday, December 8, 2009 if she is not here by then). Whenever the muffin arrives is the right time for her, so try not to get disappointed if your date comes and goes and the Mini hasn't made an appearance.

Head for the hospital or birthing center if you think you're in labor (even if it turns out that you're not!) It's better to make a couple of test runs than to deliver your baby at the local truck stop. If you are in labor but it has just started, the hospital may send you back home, which can be a bit of a buzz kill. But trust us, you'd rather be comfortable in your own home than stuck in a hospital bed with only four TV channels for the next 12 hours waiting to dilate from 1 centimeter to 2.While there is nothing false about the pain that comes with false labor, it's a fake-out because it doesn't dilate the cervix like true labor does. And when you're trying to squeeze a grapefruit out of something the size of a cherry, it's an important distinction. Basically, false labor gives you all of the pain and none of the advancements. Nice, huh?One way to identify false labor is to start timing your contractions. True labor contractions come regularly and get progressively closer together (and they hurt more as they get closer). False labor contractions are about as regular as your bowels since you've been pregnant—not very—and they vary from one to another on the pain meter.False labor is more common in second or subsequent pregnancies than in first pregnancies.

One uncomfortable complaint of late pregnancy is frequent hiccups. No, not you, your baby. Because there is no air around your baby, when she practices breathing, it can cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe, resulting in those regularly spaced thumps that make you think you're carrying a jumping bean in your belly. (Today we watched my belly go up and down as little Brianna had the hiccups. It's quite entertaining.) Other news this week:The lanugo (an exotic word for soft, downy hair) that used to cover your baby's body has mostly disappeared, but you may find a bit leftover on the shoulders, forehead and neck. Don't freak and think you've given birth to a monkey: It'll fall out soon.The color of baby's skin is changing from a red-pink hue to a white or blue-pink color (even in babes with dark skin). These changes are due to the amount of fat your little pudger is putting on. The circumference of your baby's head and abdomen are about the same size now (though you may not be able to tell if your baby's born with the common cone-shaped head!).The placenta is lending your Mini antibodies that'll keep him strong and healthy after birth. That said, it's still a good idea to invest in that mega-size bottle of hand sanitizer. (Already done...and as Eric says, "Everyone that comes to visit her will wash their hands and arms all the way up to their elbows and then will use hand sanitizer after. HA HA! He is going to make a super protective and great dad!) At this point your little critter is about 19 to 20 inches long and weights about 7 pounds. That's just around the size of a large rabbit. What's up Doc?

Well, 2 more days until "D-day" (if she makes it that far). I am still having quite a bit of contractions but they are just not close enough still.

We had a SUPER great weekend. We just prepared for Brianna all day yesterday by cleaning the house and dusting baseboards and all that fun stuff one more time. We then went out to dinner at Melting Pot for my 28th birthday and as our last "date night" for a while. We really were able to enjoy ourselves. Both of us will be taking off tomorrow to relax and wait for baby Brianna. We are going to run by the fire station and have both of our carseats checked (we have heard that 90% of carseats are installed incorrectly so we want to make sure ours is perfect). Then it's relax time until Tuesday. We are going to be waking up super early Tuesday morning in order to be there at 5:00 a.m. My wonderful sister will be staying at our house watching our German Shepherd (Caesar) and our cat (Jasper) and just keeping an eye on everything to make sure Brianna can come home to a safe house. I am so thankful to have her so that we don't have to board our pets. :) I am also so thankful to have Eric here until December 23rd...actually he only has to work 4 days between now and January 3rd. My mom and Margie (Eric's mom) will also be around to help quite a bit too. How awesome is that? I am so privaleged...truly God is watching over us. :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

38 Weeks (9 1/2 Months) Pregnant - Baby Watermelon

Can you believe she is now the size of a watermelon????

I know this is not a good representation of a watermelon, but how pretty is this???

Head down and ready to go just like Brianna...

Two more weeks to go and your nesting instinct is in full throttle. You're busy washing and folding (and refolding) baby's clothes, marveling over how anyone could ever fit into such a teensy weensy T-shirt. If you haven't set up the crib, bassinet or wherever you plan for baby to sleep—now would be a good time (we took care of that several weeks ago). You don't want Dad frantically trying to figure out some incomprehensible instruction manual between contractions. What You're Thinking: "Please don't let my water break at an inopportune time like in the middle of a client meeting or during my pedicure or at a fancy restaurant ..." (Ummm...or infront of my kindergarten class...that would be fun to explain. They are already asking how I get the baby out. I explained, "I go to the hospital and the doctor takes her out for me." Back to the water breaking...let's just say I carry a water bottle with me every step I take just in case so I can dump it down my shirt and act like I spilled it on me...ha ha! Another teacher taught me that one!) As your cervix begins to dilate, you may lose your mucus plug. (You may also toss your cookies when you read the words "mucus plug." Ew.) This thick, mucus-like wad seals the cervix and prevents infection during pregnancy. When the plug has done its work, it will bid your cervix goodbye and hurl itself into the toilet. (Probably TMI (too much information), but I have already lost mine.) Your baby's intestines have accumulated a considerable amount of meconin (the code name for black, tar-like baby poop), which is usually eliminated shortly after birth and gives you your first experience with the 100-wipe diaper change. Here's what else is up: Your baby might just scratch herself in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Resist painting them hot pink when she arrives.Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day. The latter two will continue to mature until Junior is a teenager, at which point she'll know it all (or at least she'll think she does).Your baby weighs about 6½ pounds and is around 19 or 20 inches long—as long as a duffle bag (in case you needed an excuse to go shopping for a new bag for your labor gear).
Newest and probably last update before Brianna arrives: Yesterday (11-30-09) I went to the doctor. I am still effaced at 75% but am now about 2 3/4 cm dialated. Dr. Levy said, "Let's hit the go button. We will do it at the beginning of next week just to let her try to come out on her own, but otherwise, I don't want to risk her getting too big for you." He was shocked I did not have her this past weekend and still thinks that I will have her this week before us "pushing the go button." We tried scheduling my inducement for Monday, however, the hospital is totally booked. So right now we are booked for Tuesday, December 8th at 5:00 a.m. We are so fortunate in that my wonderful sister is going to come stay at our house to watch it and take care of Caesar and Jasper while we are in the hospital. Thank you Susan!!! Until the next post...(maybe some pictures of Brianna!!!!)