Well, we had a little scare yesterday. On Monday (April 13
th) I hit my 5 week mark. I felt pretty good all day. I came home exhausted (I have been pretty exhausted over the last 2 weeks anyways, but I am getting more tired each day) and took a nap. I got up, ate dinner and then Eric and I went on a walk around the park with Caesar.
I came home and decided to take it easy. Since I had taken a nap, it took me a while to fall asleep. I am assuming it was around 11:30. At 1:30 a.m. I woke up with extremely sharp pains in my pelvic area...so sharp that it put me in tears. I tried to cry quietly as I lay in the fetal position so that I would not wake up Eric (the HEAVIEST sleeper in the world...ha ha). Well, his body must be adjusting (you know, they say that the dads have sympathy pains) because he actually woke up to my soft sobbing. He was great. We did everything we could (no heating pad allowed because as my
OBGYN says, "You don't want to cook the baby.") for me to get comfortable. He was smart enough to come up with putting a hot towel on my tummy. I took a Tylenol (the only pain medicine you can take when you are pregnant) and then ate a few crackers and drank some water. It went on until 3:00 a.m. I felt so bad because Eric stayed up until he knew I was asleep. I guess he was pretty worried.
Tuesday I woke up feeling okay, but my pelvic area was pretty sore. After reading things on the
Internet, we decided I needed to call the doctor. I called my doctor and they asked me to come in (my first
pre-natal appointment was scheduled for next Tuesday, April 21st) that afternoon. I talked with my team and of course they were the best. The only appointment I could get into was at 2:10 which meant I would be leaving about 1:30
ish (school ends at 2:45). They offered to split up my class and take care of them the rest of the day. No one even flinched when I asked them to help me out. I couldn't ask for a better and more understanding team honestly! I thank myself daily for God allowing them to choose me to be part of their team.
Eric met me at the doctor and we discussed things such as testing, family history, my history, and a few other basic questions. When I explained the pains I had been having she immediately wanted to schedule me for a sonogram because she was worried about an
ectopic pregnancy (it means that the pregnancy forms in the
Fallopian tubes instead of the uterus...it's very deadly OR that I had an ovarian cyst). Of course we were terrified. Since her sonogram person was not there, we were going to have to go over to Presbyterian Hospital to do one. Since I am only 5 weeks, it was also going to be an internal sonogram (they put the machine up in you and look around). Eric and I prayed the entire time as we drove over there only to sit an hour in the waiting room. I guess that's what happens when you don't have an appointment.
We went into the room and did the internal sonogram. We were quite relieved to find out that in fact, the pregnancy had NOT formed in either of the tubes and I did NOT have an ovarian cyst. The sack was there, but the baby at that point was too small to show up (most show up in the middle of 5 weeks, where I was only at 5 weeks and one day = too early to show up). She said everything looks normal for that point of the pregnancy. Now all we have to do is keep praying that everything goes well.
Last night the pains came on again around 11:30 p.m., but they only lasted until 12:30 a.m. I can honestly say I have the best and most supportive husband. He did not go back to sleep until he knew I was asleep. I guess God is getting us ready for sleepless nights!
Today I was completely exhausted. I came home and Eric took care of Caesar (he is a full-time job right now with the fact that he requires a lot of attention) while I took a nap. A few minutes after I got in bed, the cramping started up. It lasted for about 30 minutes. I am hoping that that was the only cramping I will have for tonight. We are prepared though. I have my water, Tylenol, trashcan, and crackers right by the bed. Pray for me tonight! I sure need some sleep to get me through tomorrow at school!